Change Questions in a Pulse

In some cases, you may want to remove or add questions to a Pulse before it is delivered.

Please Note: You will need administrator access to the Pulse to make any changes.

  1. From your Launchpad, click on the Pulses page at the top middle
  2. Use the Search bar to find an existing Pulse
  3. Click on the three dots to the right of your selected Pulse
  4. Click Edit Settings

  1. Click on the question box to expand the question.

  1. Click on the dimension to add or edit the question dimension (question group).
  2. Click on the question box to edit the actual question.
  3. Click on the question type to edit the type of question that will be asked (Likert, Open-ended, Checkbox or Multiple Choice - Keep in mind that only Likert questions will report on favorability).
  4. Click on the star to change which answer options will be counted as favorable.
  5. Click on the answer box to edit answer choice.
  6. Click on the facial icon to edit, add or remove emojis from the answer choices.
  7. Click on the paper icon to copy the question and add it to your Pulse.
  8. Click on the trash can icon to remove the question from your Pulse.

  1. When you are finished editing the questions, click on the Next button to proceed to scheduling.
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