How do I find each student's access link?

You can provide your student(s) with a link to access their Pulse survey if they're having trouble accessing the survey via Kelvin's pop-up. We automatically generate these links for each student, and each link is unique to each student. Below are the steps you'll need to follow

  1. Sign into Kelvin:

  1. Click on the live Pulse from the Launchpad. This will open the Pulse's Participation Report.

  1. Click on the student's name, which will open a purple-colored dialog box. Use the Search bar, filters and/or status to narrow the list quickly.
  2. You will see the link at the bottom. This link is unique for that student. Copy the link to share with the student.

Note: You can also download the links en masse by clicking the dot-dot-dot menu and selecting Download.

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