Creating and Deleting User and Student Groups

Kelvin uses student and user groups in two primary ways:

  1. To deliver surveys to select groups
  2. To share results with select groups

As a result, it's important to understand how groups are created and how to manage which users belong to which groups. By default, Kelvin creates different groups for you out-of-the-box, but you can always create your own groupings to make the system your own.

Please Note: You will need system administrator access to create and manage groups.

General FYIs Around Groups

What groups does Kelvin create automatically?

By default we create the following groups of students and users from your Student Information System (SIS)

  • Students
    • Gender (Male, Female, Non-binary)
    • Grade levels
    • Schools
    • Classes
    • Race/Ethnicity
    • Programs
    • Languages
  • Users*
    • District Admins
    • School Admins
    • Teachers

*Please note: Any other groups like "School Counselor" or "Social Workers" etc. will need to be created in Kelvin.

Why would I create a custom group?

The creation of groups in Kelvin is useful for a variety of reasons. 

  • You want to monitor progress for a particular group of students that doesn't exist as a sub-group in your SIS. E.g. You might want to see the differences in students' perceptions of school climate/culture between the general population and your "Tier 2 Attendance" students. 
  • You want to share results or deliver surveys to staff members other than the three default groups of users (district admins, school admins, teachers). E.g. You might want to survey your "Classified Staff" to gain insights on their experience or only share a student survey's results related to mental health only with "School Counselors." 

How to Create Custom Groups

How do I create a custom group?

  1. As a system admin, select "settings" from the top-right account menu

  2. Select " Add/remove users" (you are not a system administrator if you don't see this option).
  3. Select the "Groups" tab
  4. Select "+ New Group" and select the type (users vs. students)
  5. Enter in the options (name, color, description) and hit "save"
  6. The group has now been created. The system will default you to the next step, which is to add users. Select "+ Add Staff" or "+ Add Students" (depending on the type of group) in the top-left.
  7. Add the users by entering their email and hit save.

  8. These users have now been created and are available in the system.

Deleting Custom Groups

  1. Click Your User Icon in the upper right hand corner.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Select Groups.
  4. Select the group you would like to delete. Notes: a) Only the groups created by your organization can be deleted. b) Verify that the group no longer needs to be in use.
  5. Select Delete.
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