How Do I Know if Students or Staff are Seeing the Extension?

When administering pulses, it is important to ensure students and staff have access to the pulse extension.  

Please Note: You will need to be a system administrator to run the Extension Summary report

  1. In Pulse, click on your avatar (first initial/circle) at the top right of the page.
  2. Click settings from the drop-down selections. 

  1. Within the system settings menu, click on the Extension Summary link 

  1. Select the group for which you would like to run the report: students, staff, or all. Click run after you have made your selection. 

In the example above, the Found/Missing Results show how many students are seeing the extension under the "found" column, how many are not seeing it under "missing," and the ratio of students not seeing the extension under "missing ratio." You want the missing ratio to be 0, or close to 0. 

If you would like to see which students are not seeing the extension, you can dive deeper by selecting the extension details report. 

  1. Select the Extension Details Report from the Settings Menu.

  1. Select the group for which you would like to run the report: students, staff, or all. Click run after you have made your selection. 

  1. In this example, the report shows all students, and the 'Is Found' column indicates whether or not the student has seen the extension. The column headers may be used to narrow your search further. 

  1. Typing 'no' into the 'Is Found' column header generates a list of all students that are not seeing the extension. You may want to check with your Google administrator to see if the extension has been installed for these students. If it has been installed for the students you may want to check when the last time was that they signed into their Chrome browser. If they have been signing into their browser, and still have not seen the extension send an email to for further troubleshooting.

Note for System Administrators:

We highly recommend you pin the Kelvin Chrome extension to ensure that students and staff will see the "K" in the upper-right-hand corner of their screen. As the Google admin you can simply use the Force install + pin option when adding the extension.

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