How students can take a pulse when they don't see the dog pop-up

There are times when students may need to access a Pulse survey outside of the set daily window, or if for some reason sometimes students may not be seeing a scheduled pulse. Here is how a student or staff member can take a Pulse outside of the pop-up window.

Please note that the pop-up (Boogie) will still open:

  • Even if there are no open pulses
  • Even if the student/staff has already responded to an open pulse
  • Even if “sync” is not enabled for the user

  1. Click on the K in the upper right hand of your Chrome web browser (this is the Kelvin Education Chrome Extension button)

  1. Once you click on the K you will see the Kelvin Pulse pop-up in your lower right-hand corner of your screen. From here you can simply begin taking the Pulse if you have not already taken it and if the pulse is still live.

That's it!

If you have already submitted your response to a pulse, or the pulse is no longer live you may see the following message:

If for some reason you are not set up as a student or staff member in Kelvin you will receive this message error:

If this is the case, students or staff can simply notify their teacher or administrator that they do not have an account set up in Kelvin and the system administrator can set them up in order to successfully take the Pulse.

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