How to Create an LCAP Survey

If you belong to a California district or site, you will have access to the LCAP question bank for students, families, and staff.

Note: In order to create family, staff, and student pulses, it is essential to have the permission to Create a Pulse. If you do not possess this authorization, please contact the Kelvin System Administrator of your site.

Creating Your LCAP Pulse

  1. To create student, staff and family pulses, click on the Pulses link at the top of your launchpad.

FYI - The Create a Pulse card on your launchpad is a shortcut to creating only student pulses.

  1. From the pulse list page, click on the green +New Pulse button and select the type of pulse you would like to create from the drop-down list.
  2. Select the pulse option that best fits your needs.

  1. Name your Pulse.
  2. Select the group you would like to survey.

Upon clicking the group you would like to survey, you will be presented with multiple options to choose the appropriate people for the survey. It is important to understand that when choosing these options, they represent "and" features rather than "or" features.

  1. Select the correct school(s), etc. Keep in mind, your options will be different when creating a student, staff or family Pulse.
  2. Click Save.

  1. Select the group at your district/site with whom you wish to share the pulse results and reports. Please note that custom groups can be utilized, provided they have been previously created in the system.
  2. Click the checkbox to enable or disable Comments.
  3. Click the checkbox to enable students to speak to an adult. Note: this is a function only allowed in a student pulse.
  4. Click Next.

Selecting Questions from the Kelvin LCAP Question Bank

  1. Click the paper/arrow icon to begin selecting questions from the Kelvin question bank.

  1. Choose the option to select a keyword for searching the type of questions you want to add to your Staff Pulse.
  2. Select a bank of questions to search for questions pertaining to a specific LCAP subject or population.
  3. Click Add to add a particular question to the survey.

FYI: You may keep repeating these steps to search and select the questions you would like to add.

Editing a Question

  1. Click on the question to expand it and reveal more customization options.
  2. Click on the dimension to add or edit the question dimension (question group).
  3. Click on the question box to edit the actual question.
  4. Click on the question type to edit the type of question that will be asked (Likert, Open-ended, Checkbox or Multiple Choice - Keep in mind that only Likert questions will report on favorability).
  5. Click on the star to change which answer options will be counted as favorable.
  6. Click on the answer box to edit answer choice.
  7. Click on the face emoji to edit, add or remove emojis from the answer choices.

Saving Your Pulse

  1. When done editing all questions, click Next for scheduling options.
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