Managing Users

Adding users

Kelvin uses your Student Information System (SIS) to update your users each night. This makes management a whole lot easier, and automatically creates accounts for most school admins, teachers, etc. This is also how we import your enrollment, rostering and sub-groups. 

However, there are times you'll want to add an admin account for folks who aren't automatically added. 

  1. Click the purple-colored circle in top-right corner that shows your first initial
  2. Click Settings
  3. Click Manage users
  4. Select + New admin user
  5. Enter the required fields. E.g. first name, last name, role(s) and site(s), school-assigned Google email address
  6. Click Save

Editing users

In nearly all cases, you will not want to manually edit users' information. Almost all changes should be updated nightly by your SIS. However, there are limited use cases where this is advisable.

Changing a user's role(s)

1. You can change any user's role by going to the Users page

2. Searching and selecting the user you want to edit

3. Add or remove role(s) in the "Roles" field (see below), as needed

Disconnecting from Automatic Imports

  1. Checking for disconnected users: Any user who is disconnected from their SIS and being managed manually is indicated by the "un-linked" icon on the Users List page. 

  2. Disconnecting/reconnecting users
    1. Select the user's name from the list
    2. Make sure to select/unselect the option to Managed via Imports and hit Save

Deactivating users

Users can be excluded from the system by deactivating their user account and making them  Inactive in the platform. All their existing submitted responses are kept in Kelvin and included in reports. If they did not complete their survey response (by clicking Submit) then their answers are not included in reports. Deactivated users can also be re-activated in the future. This allows you to deactivate a person who will be on extended leave, then reinstate them when they return. 

  1. click the purple-colored circle in top-right corner
  2. click Settings
  3. click Manage Users
  4. Select the user you want to deactivate 
  5. Click the (...) menu in the top-right and select Deactivate 

You'll see which users have been de-activated with the icon below

Re-activating users

  1. Click the purple-colored circle in top-right corner
  2. click Settings
  3. click Manage Users
  4. Select the user you want to deactivate 
  5. Click the (...) menu in the top-right and select Reactivate or select this from the red-colored alert banner.

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