How to create an Aeries to Kelvin Data Sharing Connection

In order to give us API access to Aeries please follow these instructions.

Part 1: Create the API Key

Navigate to Security->API Security->Add New Record

Please either scroll down to security module, use the down carrot to open the module and then select API security or use the filter navigation menu to search for API Security.

On the API Security screen, choose Add New Record

(please label the product name field with a 1, comments with a 2 and the insert button with a 3)

1. Enter Kelvin in Product Name Field.

2. Enter Comments as appropriate.

3. Select Insert

NOTE: Leave Type blank.

Part 2: Displaying the Information

(please put a 1 by the word certificate)

  1. Select Display Certificate Details
  2. Select Read access for the following security areas:
    1. Student Data
    2. Contacts
    3. Class Schedules/History
    4. Teacher Data
    5. Staff Data
    6. Master Schedule
    7. Course Data
    8. Optional: Student Programs (Sped, GATE, FRL, etc)

Your team will need to email (via a secure/encrypted method) the following items to your Customer Success Manager:

    1. The API URL or "base URL"
    2. The Aeries API Certificate

NOTE: Aeries should display both of the above in their API config screen.


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