Kelvin Education

How do I Know if Students or Staff are Seeing the Extension?

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Before administering pulses, it is important to ensure students and staff have access to the pulse extension.  

Please Note: You will need to be a system administrator to run the Extension Summary report

Extension Summary Report

Where to Start

1. In Pulse, click on your avatar (first initial/circle) at the top right of the page.

2.  Click settings from the drop-down selections.

3. Select Extension Summary.

1.  Select the User Type you would like to run the Extension Summary for using the dropdown.

2. Click Run.

1.  The Found Column displays the number of students that are seeing the extension.

2.  The Missing Column displays the number of students that are not seeing the extension.

3.  The Missing Ratio Column displays the ratio of students not seeing the extension.  NOTE:  You want the missing ratio to be zero, or close to zero.

4.   The Organization Email Domain Report shows the Domain(s) that have been found and the Count.

TIP:  To see which students are not seeing the extension, selecting the Extension Details Report located in Settings.

Extension Details Report

Where to Start

1. In Pulse, click on your avatar (first initial/circle) at the top right of the page.

2.  Click settings from the drop-down selections.

3. Select Extension Details.

1.  Select the User Type you would like to run the Extension Summary for using the dropdown.

2. Click Run.

1. The page will display the number of results matching the search criteria.

2. To locate the student(s) for whom have not been found to be connected to the extension, enter No within the Search is found area.

NOTE:  You can search within each column by using the Search Field directly above each column header.

We highly recommend you pin the Kelvin Chrome extension to ensure that students and staff will see the "K" in the upper-right-hand corner of their screen. As the Google admin you can simply use theForce install + pinoption when adding the extension.

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