With Kelvin, you have the capability to generate Family Pulses, enabling you to gather feedback from your parents/guardians through text or email. When setting up a Family Pulse, you have the option to utilize our predefined question banks or craft custom questions. The following steps will assist you in completing the process..
Note: In order to create family, staff, and student pulses, it is essential to have the permission to Create a Pulse. If you do not possess this authorization, please contact the Kelvin System Administrator of your site.
1. Select Pulses.
FYI: The Create a Pulse Card will take you directly to create a Student Pulse.
1. Select +New Pulse.
2. Select Family.
1. Name your Pulse.
2. Select the Family you would like to survey. NOTE: This will open up the Family Selection Pop Up.
3. Select who should be sent the Pulse. NOTE: There are multiple options to choose the appropriate for the survey. It is important to understand that when choosing these options, they represent AND features rather than OR features.
4. Click Save.
5. Select the Group(s) at your district/site with whom you wish to share the Pulse results and reports. NOTE: Custom groups can be utilized, provided they have been previously created in the system.
6. Click the checkbox to enable or disable Comments.
7. Click Next.
1. Click the paper/arrow icon to begin selecting questions from the Kelvin question bank.
2. Enter keyword(s) to filter down the type of question(s) you would like to add to your Pulse.
3. To search using a Kelvin Curated Domain, Select one of the Domains from the dropdown.
4. To search using a Dimension, Select one of the Dimensions from the dropdown. NOTE: If you already have a Domain selected, it will automatically filter the Dimension options for you.
5. Review the list of available question based on your search options.
6. Click Add to add a particular question to the survey.
FYI: You may keep repeating these steps to search and select the questions you would like to add.
1. Select the + icon to enter in your own question.
1. Click on Dimension to add the question Dimension (question group).
2. Click within the question box to add the question.
3. Click on the question type to edit the type of question that will be asked (Likert, Open-ended, Checkbox or Multiple Choice).
NOTE: Keep in mind that only Likert questions will report on favorability.
4. Click on the star icon to change which answer options will be counted as favorable.
5. Click on the answer box to add the answer choice(s).
6. Click on the face emoji to edit, add or remove emojis from the answer choices.
7. Select the X to remove an answer choice.
8. Select Add option to add an additional answer choice.
9. Click the box icon if the question should be asked for each student in the family.
1. Click within the question to expand it and reveal more customization options.
2. Click on the Dimension to add or edit the question Dimension (question group).
3. Click within the question box to edit the actual question.
4. Click on the question type to edit the type of question that will be asked (Likert, Open-ended, Checkbox or Multiple Choice). NOTE: Keep in mind that only Likert questions will report on favorability.
5. Click on the star icon to change which answer options will be counted as favorable.
6. Click within the answer box to edit answer choice.
7. Click on the face emoji to edit, add or remove emojis from the answer choices.
8. Select the X to remove an answer choice.
9. Select Add option to add an additional answer choice.
10. Click the box icon if the question should be asked for each student in the family.

1. Select Next to save the questions and move onto Scheduling the Pulse.
1. Select the Date that you would like the FamilyPulse to begin on. NOTE: This defaults to seven days.
2. Select the number of days that you would like the Family Pulse to be open for.
3. If you are going to give the same Pulse again and know when this will occur, select the dropdown and add in the next window. NOTE: System Administrators can go back into the Pulse and add a new window at a later date.
4. Select how Families shall be notified.
5. Select how often the notification should be sent.
6. Select the time of day when the notification should be sent.
7. Review your dates, times, etc. If all looks good, select Create schedule.

1. Verify that the dates for the Pulse window are correct. If not, use the Go back or Create new schedule from scratch.
2. Verify the Type of Communication, the Frequency and the Time.
FYI #1 If you wish to remove the Pulse Administration Window, select the three dots icon to open up the delete option.
FYI #2 If you wish to add additional Pulse Administration Windows, select Add dates.
3. Select Finish set up.

1. Review the Pulse and make any changes as needed.
A) You can adjust questions UP UNTIL THE PULSE IS LIVE. If you need to adjust AFTER a Pulse has opened up (gone live) please reach out to Kelvin Education.
B) You can adjust the following while a Pulse is live and for subsequent Pulse Windows: 1) Family 2) Who can view the results 3) The open and closing dates of the Pulse Administration Window and 4) The Communication method, frequency and time of day for this administration window.