Kelvin Education

Pulse Creation - I am not sure where to start!

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Congratulations! You have made the decision to utilize Kelvin Pulse to enhance the social-emotional wellbeing and development of your students and staff. You have a powerful tool at your disposal, but where should you begin? Below are some recommendations to guide you in initiating your first student pulse.


Begin by creating a three question pulse for students that is low stakes and fun. This allows you to practice deployment and reading reports. Examples for questions:

  • What is one thing you are looking forward to this school year? (Open-ended)
  • How excited are you for the next school year, holiday break, end of year, etc? (Likert)
  • What staff member at this school has helped you in some way? (Open-ended)
  • I can do well in my classes, no matter how hard it may be. (Likert)
  • What was the coolest thing you did over break? (Open-ended)
  • What is one thing you can do to make the school year better? (Open-ended)
  • Communicate to students and staff that you are sending a pulse. Need resources? Take a look at our out of the box communication resources here.

Once the pulse is complete, thank participants for their answers. Let them know you heard them. Communicate next steps.

Celebrate wins! This can be done at an assembly, in morning announcements, staff meetings or another communication channel. Participants will be more likely to take future pulses if they know their voice is being heard.

Analyze our reports to find data regarding peaks and valleys and plan for next steps.


Here are some suggestions on how to move forward after reviewing the Pulse Reports:

  1. Focus on one to three areas you want to improve on. Take the time to address those needs and redo a pulse to look for growth.
  2. You may have found previous answers to survey questions that provoke further questions. Create another pulse to dig deeper into those questions.
  3. Set up a pulse survey that repeats each month on those specific topics (Eg: Bullying and school cleanliness)
  4. Analyze the data and take action! Here are some ideas for concrete action plans.

Once you are content with the favorable outcomes, repeat the process by shifting your focus to different areas of need.

As you continue serving student needs, try conducting surveys with teachers, staff and families!

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