1. To the best of your ability please make a copy of this template to use for a data spec.
2. Email [email protected] and request SFTP site and SFTP credentials.
1. A link to your unique credentials will be shared through a 1Password link provided to you by the Kelvin team.
NOTE: This link will be good for ONLY 14 days and can only be viewed by an individual point of contact.
2. Once you click on the link you will be ask to verify your email address.
Please reach out to [email protected] if you have any questions or issues using the password and username.

1. Enter your email address.
2. Select Send code. NOTE: A verification code will be sent to your email address.

1. Enter the Verification code sent to your email address.
2. Select View item.

1. Your username and password will be displayed.
2. Store/Save these in a safe place for use within the SFTP Tool.
Please update your help ticket after uploading the files and our team will work getting the data staged into Kelvin Pulse.
We will review the file(s) and give you feedback if there are any issues with the files. Once we have imported your files, the next step is to review the data.