Kelvin Education

Student, Staff and Family Pulse Ideas

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This list of ideas is designed to help launch your Pulse creation work by providing ideas others have used to gather feedback from students, staff and families* to:

  • Be proactive, relevant, relational, responsive, thoughtful and supportive
  • Track progress on goals and initiatives
  • Focus future SEL lessons
  • Determine action steps needed

If you have a great idea you are doing, that is not listed here, we would love to hear about it.

NOTE:  To create new Pulses, you will need the permission to Create Pulse Surveys.

Student Pulse Ideas
  • Gather feedback to inform SEL initiatives
  • Gather feedback to inform PBIS initiatives
  • Gather feedback to inform MTSS initiatives
  • Gather feedback on District/School goal progress
  • Gather information to inform School Improvement work such as LCAP (CA)
  • CASEL Competencies
    • Self-Awareness
    • Self-Management
    • Social Awareness
    • Relationship Skills
    • Responsible Decision-making
  • Gather feedback from students on
    • Loneliness
    • Wellness
    • Growth Mindset
    • Emotional Intelligence
    • Connection and sense of belonging at school
      • Connection with Teachers
      • Connection with Staff - Principal, Office Staff, Lunch staff, Bus Drivers, etc
      • Connection with other students
      • Can include "I know who to go to when...."
    • School culture
      • Satisfaction
        • including what could make experience better
      • Programming and interests
        • including courses they may want/need for future post-secondary goals
          • can include choice preference (ex. lunchroom menu, assembly options, spirit week options)
        • Effectiveness of student supports and how that impacts the school climate and culture
      • Changes (building grade level structure, new building, etc)
      • Cultural Competencies
    • School Safety
      • Physical
      • Emotional
    • Involvement in school extracurricular activities
    • Post High School/Career Planning
      • Learn which students are first generation college-bound (may need more support)
      • Learn student plans (4 year college, Community College, Trade School, Military, etc)
      • Learn where students are in their process
  • Check-ins
    • Gather feedback from students with Attendance challenges
    • Gather feedback from students with Tardy challenges
    • Gather feedback from students with Behavior challenges
    • Gather feedback from students with Academic challenges
    • Gather feedback from New Students on how they are acclimating to the school
    • Gather feedback from Students receiving interventions
    • Students who are homeless or in foster homes
    • Holiday breaks (before and after) - Check out our templates
    • Follow up with a specific student group based on favorability rating (overall or by dimension) to gather additional feedback.
  • For Fun
    • Voting for specific choice
      • Homecoming King/Queen/Court
      • Themes for school dances
      • Favorite College Team
Staff Pulse Ideas
  • Any Student Pulse reworded for staff to allow for triangulation data
  • Check ins
    • with New Staff/Teachers
    • Wellness Checks
  • Connection and sense of belonging
    • Feel appreciated/valued
    • Feel celebrated
  • Feedback on new initiatives
  • Feedback after Professional Development
  • Feedback on School Culture
    • Can include their own sense of belonging and connection
    • Cultural competencies
  • Feedback on School/District supports to the classroom
    • Can include "I know who to go to when...."
    • Effectiveness of student supports and how that impacts the school climate and culture
  • Feedback on Parent/Family Involvement
Family Pulse Ideas
  • Any Student Pulse reworded for families to allow for triangulation data
  • Family satisfaction with school culture
    • Including interacting with school staff and classroom teachers
  • Family satisfaction with school safety
    • Physical
    • Emotional
  • Family satisfaction with their student(s)' connection and sense of belonging
  • Family satisfaction with their own sense of connection and sense of belonging at the school
  • Family involvement
    • including what could make their experiences better
  • Family feedback on school events and activities
  • Family feedback on policies and procedures
  • Family feedback on supports and services
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