Kelvin Education

Participants Report

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The Participant Report is for Student Pulses only that are closed (not LIVE). It allows users with permission to see Overall and Dimension level favorability for each student they have visibility access to see. The report also shows:

  • Did the student answer all the questions (or were some/all questions skipped )?
  • Did the student spend the appropriate amount of time to respond thoughtfully?
  • Did they share a comment with their name that sheds some light on their ratings? (We still protect their anonymity for comments they didnt elect to share their name with.)
  • What was their overall favorability? Or their favorability for certain dimensions? (We still protect their anonymity for their responses to individual questions to make Kelvin a safe place to disclose feelings).
  • For students who answered mostly unfavorably, did they decline or request help when prompted to speak with an adult? (This option is a choice during Pulse set up.)
  • How much did their perception change from the last Pulse? Was there a significant improvement or decline?

This is report is permission-based and is toggled off by default. It requires a system admin to enable. Please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or contact us at [email protected] if you need assistance.

What is a Good Way to Read This Report?

It is helpful to begin by looking for students who either...

  • answered unfavorably
  • had the most negative change when compared to their last Pulse submission.

The other data points we include will provide context to these scores. If you see that the student answered "0" questions, this means they opened the Pulse but skipped every question (skipped questions do not count into favorability calculations, but do count as participated).

You can see how long the student took to respond. If they responded to 25 questions in 15 seconds, it could mean they weren't taking their time or carefully choosing their answers.

You can see if the student elected to share their name with a comment.

Finally, you can also see if the student has Requested to Speak with an Adult (Option that can be turned on during Pulse set up) By clicking the student's name, you'll be taken to the student's Timeline (permission-based) where you can see the times they've requested help, and your colleagues' notes.

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