Kelvin Education

Pulse Power Reports

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This article will walk through how to add the required permissions to create and/or view Power Reports

NOTE:  1) You must be a System Admin in order to see and edit Permissions.  2)  You must be using Family Pulses in order to create/edit/delete AND or use Power Reports.

Video:  Permissions
Step by Step

1. On the Launchpad select your avatar (first initial/circle) at the top right of the page.

2.  Select Settings.

3.  Select Permissions.

1.  Click within the text box to open up the dropdown and then select the group(s) that should have permission to Create/Edit/Delete Power Reports for the entire site.

2.  Click within the text box to open up the dropdown and then select the group(s) that should have permission to see ANY Power Reports created within the system when viewing Pulse results.

3.  Select Save.

How to Create, Edit & Delete a Power Report
Step by Step
Where to Start

1. On the Launchpad select your avatar (first initial/circle) at the top right of the page.

2. Select settings from the drop-down selections.

3.  Select Manage Pulse Power Reports.

1.  To create a NEW Power Report, select Create New Power Report.

2. To Edit a current Power Report, select Edit.

3.  To Delete a current Power Report, select Delete.  

NOTE:  All groups that have the permission to Add/Edit/Delete Power Reports can Edit AND Delete any Power Reports.

Create a New Power Report

1.  On the Power Pulse Report List page, select Create New Power Report.

1.  Enter the name of your new Power Report.

2.  Enter a description of the report.  Be sure to describe the purpose of the report so that others can understand the purpose of the report and any specifics.

Add Row(s)

1.  Select the dropdown arrow to add a Row to the Power Report.

2.  Select the data you would like to add from the dropdown.  NOTE:  This is a static list and not based on what you have available for data within a specific Pulse.   If a data point is added and the Pulse does not contain this data, the Power Report may yield No Results.

3.  Select Add to add the data point as a Row within your Power Report.

4.  Add additional Row(s) as appropriate.

Add Column(s)

1.  Select the dropdown arrow to add a Column to the Power Report.

2.  Select the data you would like to add from the dropdown.  NOTE:  This is a static list and not based on what you have available for data within a specific Pulse.   If a data point is added and the Pulse does not contain this data, the Power Report may yield No Results.

3.  Select Add to add the data point as a Column within your Power Report.

4.  Add additional Column(s) as appropriate.

Select Values

1.  Select the dropdown arrow to add a Value to the Power Report.

2.  Select the data you would like to add from the dropdown.  NOTE:  This is a static list and not based on what you have available for data within a specific Pulse.   If a data point is added and the Pulse does not contain this data, the Power Report may yield No Results.

3.  Select Add to add the data point as a Value within your Power Report.

4.  Add additional Value(s) as appropriate.

Review and Save
Edit a Power Report

1. Locate the Power Report that you would like to adjust and select Edit.

1. To return the Power Report List without saving, select Power Report List.

2.  Add/Edit/Remove as appropriate.

3. Select Save.

Delete a Power Report

1.  Select Delete for the Power Report you wish to remove.

2.  Within the Pop up select Delete.

How to View Power Reports
Step by Step
Where to Start

1.  Select the Pulse Card that you would like to view the  for.  NOTE: You will not be a view Results if a Pulse is LIVE.

1.  All reports available to you will populate above the Summary Report.  Select Power Reports. NOTE:   If you are not seeing the Power Reports option then it is because either: 1) You do not have the permission to View Power Reports, and/or 2) Your site/district does not have Family Pulses.

1.  Any Power Reports created within your organization/district will be displayed in the Name Column.

2.  A description (if provided) will show for each Power Report within the Description Column.

3.  Select View to display the Power Report.

Power Report Results Overview
Power Report Filter Options

1.  Select Pulse(s):  The default is to automatically display all Pulse Windows within the Report Results.  To adjust the Pulse Windows displayed in the report results, remove/add Pulse Windows as appropriate.

2.  Select _____ Value(s): The default is to display all data available based on the Row(s) added within the Power Report. NOTES:  a) Each Row is displayed as a separate data point or Value to filter by.  b) The options available within the dropdown of each Row is based on the demographic data and participation data available during the Pulse Window(s).

3.  Select Column Value(s): The default is  that ALL columns added to the Power Report display in the report results.  Add and remove column values to adjust your report results.

4.  Group By:  Allows you to group the data by the Values or by Pulse.

5.  After adjusting your filter(s), select Run Report to display the results.

Power Report Bar Graph Results

1.  Graph Color Key

2.  The Values selected with the Power Report.

3.  The Column(s) included are displayed with each corresponding bar graph.

FYI:  If there is no data based on the filters selected, the Column(s) will display but the bar graph will be empty.

NOTE:  The Bar graph may have the Columns displayed Horizontally instead of Vertically IF the data is too large for a vertical display.

Power Report Table Results

1.  For each Power Report Table, you can a) Copy b) download as a CSV and c) Print.

2.  To adjust the number of results to be displayed within the table, adjust the number of entries.

3. Each Pulse Window that is included within the Power Report Filters will display as a separate row within the Pulse column.

4. Each Row included in your Power Report filters will display as a separate column.

5.  Each Column within the Power Report that has been included within your filters, will display as a separate column within the table results.

No Results

1. Not all Power Reports will yield results for every Pulse.  The results are based on the participant response data and the Demographic data available when the Pulse window was opened.

Filters Reset

If you leave a Power Report AFTER adjusting the filters PLEASE NOTE that the Power Report defaults back to including all of the data in the report results when you go and view the same Power Report again.


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