This article will walk through how to filter data by groups.
Student's responses to Pulses (surveys) are what we call confidential. This means that we do not share who individually responded to what. For example, we would not share if Student A responded to, "Do you like your teacher" with, "No".) This is so that we can create a safe space for your staff, students, and parents to respond honestly.
However, because we pull information from your Student Information System (SIS) and tie it back to the users, we are able to report the data by different groups. E.g. You could see the school climate data for your entire organization, specific schools, disaggregated by different courses/teachers, or even by significant sub-groups like gender, race/ethnicity, English Learner status, etc. This is done so you can hone in on outliers and trends in the data and be more targeted with your interventions and efforts to make improvements.
Below are just two example use cases that showcase why the group-level data can be significant:
- Our female student population is especially struggling with a bullying problem, so we spend the next month working with that broader group of students to intervene.
- Our English Learner students don't believe their families' are involved enough in school activities, so we ramp up our efforts to include these families by hosting a monthly "family update" with translation services.
Please Note: Please note that the data for these groups must be pulling from the demographic and rostering data in your Student Information System (SIS). If needed, there is also a flat file spec we can provide.
District/Organization: Available for district/org admins
School/Site: Available for district/org admins AND site admins
Courses: E.g. Home Room, Science, Math, ELA, etc.
Gender: Female, Male, Nonbinary
Race and Ethnicity: Pacific Islander, Asian, Hispanic, African American, Two or more races, etc.
Programs: Lunch Programs, GATE, Special Ed, etc.
Languages: English Learner, etc.