Kelvin Education

Questions Report

Updated on

The Questions report is useful to all roles in Kelvin from System Admin to Teachers. This report helps analyze the data gathered by Pulses at a variety of levels. The Questions Report will allow users to:

  • See a list of the questions asked in the Pulse
  • Look at percent favorability for each question
  • Dive deeper into question performance by looking at likert score percentages
  • See student comments
  • Look at changes in data for different Pulse administrations
  • Use filters to slice and dice your data

1.  From the Launchpad, select the Pulse that you want to view.

2.  Select Questions.

1. Take a look at the individual question performance, percent favorable and the comparison (growth or decline from last administration - if applicable).

2. Filter any Pulse report by clicking on the Filters option at the top right of the report. You may filter students by school, grade, race, ethnicity, gender or class depending on what data you are bringing into Pulse.

3.  Click on a specific question or percent favorable scale to dive deeper into the question performance.   Here you will see the likert, checkboxes or multiple choice score breakdown. Below the response breakdown you will see the comments that were provided (if the ability to add Comments was selected when creating the Pulse).  When taking the Pulse, individuals can choose to list their name. If they do not share their name, the comment will default to "anonymous".

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