This article will walk through the basics around our Pulse List Page.
1. Search allows you to locate a Pulse(s) by status, title, type or author.
2. Status allows you to filter to only show Pulse(s) that are either Live, Enabled, Disabled or in Draft. NOTE: The default includes all of the Statuses.
3. Time Frame allows you to filter Pulses by: All, last 30 days, last 3 months, last 6 months or last year.
4. Sort Field allows you to sort the Pulse(s) by: Status, Title, Type, Author, Start Date and End Date.
5. The arrows up/down icon allows you to sort the Pulse(s) up or down based on your Filter(s).
6. The List Icon allows you to switch to between the List View and Grid View.
1. The color of the circle denotes if it is: disabled (gray) enabled (green) draft (blue) archived (red) or LIVE (live).
2. Column two displays the Title of the Pulse.
3. The icon displayed denotes the type of Pulse: briefcase (Staff), house (Family) or graduation cap (Students).
4. The gray circle contains the initial of the Pulse creator.
5. The two columns display the most recent Pulse window's start and end dates (if applicable).
6. The most recent Pulse window favorability (if applicable).
7. The total participant percentage of the most recent Pulse Window (if applicable).
8. To adjust the Pulse, Archive or Disable, select the three dots icon.