Kelvin Education

Is Your Data Ready for a Pulse Administration?

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In addition to creating the Pulse, adding the questions and scheduling the window, it is best practice to also make sure that your data is correct. This will ensure that all staff, students (and family contacts) are in Kelvin and ready to receive the Pulse. It is much easier to update your data prior to the Pulse.

Note: This task list is for System Administrators only.

Step One:  Review Users & Groups

Select your avatar from the upper right hand side of your launchpad screen. Once you get to the Settings screen, locate Manage > Users. From this screen you can access the Users page and do the following:

  1. Ensure that Teachers and Staff are in the appropriate groups and all staff appear as expected.
  2. Users that have left can be deactivated by selecting their profile and deactivating them. Users should be deactivated by your IT team to disconnect them from the nightly import prior to deactivating them in Kelvin (See Deactivating Users in Manage Users). This will help to make your response rates as accurate as possible.

Step Two:  Verify Student and/or Staff Count

Go to Launchpad -> select Students Card.

  1. Verify that the Student Count is what you expect.
  2. You can further check this by using the filters and checking each site and/or grade level and classes.
  3. The nightly import should remove students who have left your district if the student record has been updated in your SIS. If you find students that should not be on the list because their parent/guardian has opted them out, you can make updates in Kelvin. (How to remove/opt-out students from Pulses (surveys) & How to Opt a Student Back In.)

Step Three:  Review The Organization Summary Report

  1. The Organization Summary and Browse Data tools in Settings to also confirm you have all of the students and staff that are expected to appear in Kelvin. (Checking Your Imported Data in Pulse)

Step Four:  Check the Kelvin Extension

Please check the Kelvin Extension to ensure students have the Kelvin Chrome Extension. This is what allows our cute dog, Boogie, to pop up on their screen.

  • This is done by:
  • 1. Go to Settings > Extension Summary > Extension Details. (How Do I Know if Students or Staff are Seeing the Extension?). Once there, Found ensures that the Staff, User or Student has logged in to Chrome with their Google email and the Kelvin extension has found.
  • NOTE: Use Extension Details to confirm who is on the no list. You can work with them to make sure they are logged to Chrome.
  • >

    Step Five:  Final Check

    Do you have...

    • All your buildings?
    • All your Staff and Teachers?
    • All your grade levels taking the Pulse?
    • All the students in those grade levels and buildings?
    • All your family contacts (if you have purchased the family Pulse option and are giving a family Pulse)?

    If you are missing staff, teachers and or students, please reach out as we are happy to help!

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