Kelvin Education

How to use a Flat File to Import Data

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At Kelvin we strongly believe that data imports impede getting Kelvin Pulse up and running. We have a variety of ways that we can get the data we need to make your team successful. We have some basic data specs, a team of people ready and willing to pitch in and help where we can, and several client written queries that we have been given permission to share for the most popular Student Information Systems (SIS). This article is specifically centered on how to generate a flat file and send that data to Kelvin for import.

When looking at the data spec, we only require the green fields for a successful Kelvin Pulse implementation. All the other fields are optional and will only increase your data analytics, they are also fields that can be populated over time.

Get the data ready!

Create a flat file in Google using a copy of this template for student demographic data (view the data spec here)

NOTE:  If you do not have access to Google Sheets, you can also use Excel to create a file based upon this data spec. You can import the headings into your Excel document, and then populate the data as needed. Once the document is created, you can use either of the document sharing options below to get us the data.

Send us the data!
Option One: Manual Upload to SFTP

1. Click File >Download>Comma Separated Value (.csv) to create a .csv of the Google Sheet.

2.  Upload the file to the SFTP drive for your organization.

3.  Send an email to:   [email protected] letting our data team know the file is ready to be consumed.

Option Two:  Share you Google Sheet With Us

1. Select Share in the upper right hand corner of  the Google Sheet.

2.  Share with EDIT ACCESS to: [email protected].

3.  Email the link to our data team at: [email protected].

Next Steps

Once you have shared your data with us, we will import it into Kelvin and notify you to verify the data import is correct before you give your first Pulse.

Still have questions?  Please send your questions to [email protected].

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