Kelvin Education

How to Select Pulse Participants

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When selecting participants to add to a pulse, the process is straightforward and highly customizable. By using our filters, you have the ability to choose specific groups of students, staff, and families according to criteria such as site, grade, class, and custom groups. The available filters will vary depending on the type of pulse you are creating. The following information will guide you on how to include students, staff, and family members through the use of filters.


1.  In order to create family, staff and student pulses, it is essential to have the permission to Create a Pulse. If you do not possess this authorization, please contact the Kelvin System Administrator of your site.

2.  When creating pulses, you will have visibility over the students, staff, and students assigned to your roster. Specifically, teachers will have access to their assigned students, site staff will be able to view all students/users within their site, and district leaders will oversee the entire district.

Student Filters

1.  Click Select students to choose the student participants you would like to include in the survey.

Use our filters to select student participants.

1.  Click Schools to choose one or multiple schools. If you only select the Schools filter, all students (including all grade levels) at those sites will participate.

2.  Click Grades to choose the grades that will participate. If you leave this blank, all students will be surveyed.

3.  Click Classes to select a particular class to participate.

4.  Click Groups to choose a custom group for participation. Custom groups should be established before adding them to the pulse. If you need help creating custom staff or student groups, please click Creating and Deleting Staff and Student Groups.

5.  Click Save.

NOTE:  To select fifth grade and then also Mr. Bill's seventh grade you will want to perform, Select Students twice.   Once for fifth grade and then again for the specific classes for Mr. Bill within the Classes option.

Staff Filters

1.  Click Select Staff to choose the staff participants you would like to include in the survey.

Use our filters to select staff participants.

1.  Click Schools to choose one or multiple schools. If you only select the Schools filter, all staff (including all grade levels) at those sites will participate.

2.  Click Groups to choose a custom group for participation. Custom groups should be established before adding them to the pulse. If you need help creating custom staff or student groups, please click Creating and Deleting Staff and Student Groups.

3.  Select Save.

Family Filters

1.  Click Select family members to choose the families you would like to include in the survey.

Use our filters to select family participants.

1.  Click Schools to choose one or multiple schools. If you only select the Schools filter, all families (including all grade levels) at those sites will participate.

2.  Click Grades to select the family participants of a particular grade level. If left blank, the survey will include all families with students across all grade levels.

3.  Click Classes to select families of a particular class to participate.

4.  Click Groups to choose families of a custom student group for participation. Custom groups should be established before adding them to the pulse. If you need help creating custom staff or student groups, please click here.

5.  Click Save.

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