This article will walk through ow to manually add and edit users within Kelvin Pulse.
Note: Only System Admins can edit/add/inactivate Users Within Kelvin Pulse
Kelvin uses your Student Information System (SIS) to update your users each night. This makes management a whole lot easier, and automatically creates accounts for most school admins, teachers, etc. This is also how we import your enrollment, rostering and sub-groups.
However, there are times you'll want to add an admin account for folks who are not automatically added.
Where to Start
1. Click the purple-colored circle in top-right corner that shows your first initial.
2. Click Settings.

1. Select Users.
1. Select +New admin user to add a user manually to the system.
1. Enter the required fields (any field with a red asterisk) : First name, last name and school-assigned Google email address.
2. Enter the user's Title, if desired.
3. Select Role(s). Note: School Staff at building ______ will not populate as role within the dropdown IF user data is not flowing from your Student Information System (SIS) yet. Once users are being imported into the system, any site that is within the imported users will show as a role/site to be selected in the dropdown.
4. If the User shall be managed via imports, check the box next to Managed via import. NOTE: This is for situations where the User(s) is not within your User File being imported into Pulse. This means that you will need to manually inactivate the user if they leave the district.
5. Click Save.
In nearly all cases, you will not want to manually edit users' information. Almost all changes should be updated nightly by your SIS. However, there are limited use cases where this is advisable.
1. Click the purple-colored circle in top-right corner that shows your first initial.
2. Click Settings.
3. Select Users within Settings.
4. Select the User to edit.
5. Add or remove role(s) in the Roles field, as needed.
FYI: If the User shall be managed via imports, ensure the box is checked next to Managed via import. NOTE: This is for situations where the User(s) is not within your User File being imported into Pulse. This means that you will need to manually inactivate the user if they leave the district.
6. Select Save.
Users can be excluded from the system by deactivating their user account and making them Inactivein the platform. All their existing submitted responses are kept inKelvin and included in reports. If they did not complete their survey response (by clickingSubmit) then their answers are not included in reports. Deactivated users can also be re-activated in the future. This allows you to deactivate a person who will be on extended leave, then reinstate them when they return.
1. Select the purple-colored circle in top-right corner that is your first initial.
2. Select Settings.
3. Select Users.
4. Search and Select the User that needs to be deactivated.
5. Select the three dots Icon.
6. Select Deactivate
To Reactivate a Deactivated user, you would follow the sames steps for Deactivate until the last step where you would select Reactivate.